Motor Drives and Automotives

Motor Drives and Automotives

This configuration enables the development of standard and advanced control algorithms for PMSM and induction motor drives.

The whole setup is ready for user operation within minutes by connecting encoder with LARA MD Application Board and connecting user’s PC with LARA’s Motherboard through USB. GPIO board enables interfacing with external digital and analog signals, while Communication Board makes possible communication with different protocols. LARA-100 contains protection circuitry necessary not only for reliable protection of the LARA-100 itself, but also for the protection of the user’s load or power source. A braking resistor can be added in the DC bus to dissipate the surplus of energy when braking occurs. Application board provides conditioning of absolute or incremental encoder signals. PERUN PowerDesk software suite contains embedded oscilloscope and tools for signal analysis (signal filtering, Fourier analysis) as well as tools for control design (tuning PID controllers according to the desired system response, Bode plots, etc).